Metal punches for puncture of fabrics, leather, cardboard. Holes are easy and simple
Punchers are used to punch holes in light materials such as fabric, plastic, cardboard, paper, leather. They are widely used in the light industry, printing, advertising. There are hand-held hole punches of the left-hand type, punching under the hammer and matrix punches for use in presses. Each manual hole punch contains a drum with pressed-in round or oval punches. Punch diameters can be of different sizes, depending on the manufacturer of the punch. The main punch diameters are 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 6 mm. There are 5 or 6 punches on the drum. When rotating the drum, the punch is fixed with a latch above the brass platform. The left-hand hole punch is made in the form of pliers. When pressing the handles and installing the punch, the required hole is pierced. Punchers of this type can be made with metal and plastic handles, reinforced punches, an increased drum and an increased number of punches, with stationary and removable punchers. A manual hole punch is essential for all sewing craftsmen, tailors and shoemakers. With the handheld hole punch, you can easily puncture a wide variety of materials. A left-handed hole punch with a press for fitting fittings and matrices is a necessary tool in the atelier. Cheap hole punches are best used for piercing paper, leather and some fabrics. They are not durable, since they are made of low-quality materials, but at the same time they fulfill their function with careful use. We recommend using such punches in everyday life for various crafts and some repairs of clothes and shoes. In such cutters, the punches quickly become dull and the handles bend. If you plan to constantly use a hole cutter, then you need to stop your eyes on more expensive models with high-quality punches and reinforced handles.
There are punches with handles for punching holes with a hammer, these punches are easy to use and have a wide range of diameters. We would also like to recommend punches for a manual universal press. These punches are threaded and screwed into the upper stem. They are made of high-strength hardened steel and have a huge number of diameters. With the help of such punches, it is easy to make a hole in leather, plastic, dense fabrics, cardboard. On the site you can easily buy punches of all types, household, left-handed and reinforced hole punches.
The Becker hole punch is widely used in the clothing industry, construction industry, advertising and printing business. This model of hole punch is made of 3 m thick chrome-plated steel, which is able to withstand any stress on the handles when punching holes. The handles are grooved for a comfortable fit in the hand. The hole punch is easy to use thanks to the drum with attached punches. The hol..